Super Bowl: Joneses

In the year of the pandemic, Toyota still had a truck to sell. And it was one of their flagship vehicles, the Tundra. It had been a long time since the Tundra was redesigned, so they wanted the launch to be a “whale splash.” So, we set out on a journey to accomplish that. And boy…it was a hell of a journey.

Executive Creative Director: John Payne
Creative Director: Kevin Samuels
Associate Creative Directors: Max Wang, Lynn Born, Matt Kern, Michael Buss
Art Director: Denzell Newsome

Press: AdAge, USA Today, Variety, The Drum, WaPo, AdWeek

The Joneses

The Joneses was our super bowl spot. It came about as a result of a million other dead ideas. It was written by one of our copywriters, Michael Buss, but executed by every single one of our Art Directors. The idea was to play off of the well known phrase, Keeping up with the Joneses, and we played with many different Joneses but chose four (really wanted Jerry Jones lol). I was primarily responsible for the colors of the trucks and the outfits of their drivers.

Born For Bringin’ It

One of the reasons people get a full sized pickup, is because they love towing shit. And we wanted to show how capable of a towing machine the Tundra really is.

Born For The Wild

In this spot, we wanted to form the connection between the truck and wild animals. That the Tundra is in its natural habitat anywhere.

Out of Home

We designed two billboards which, due to a lack of time, were both composited digitally. What we wanted to convey was that the Tundra is the truck for fearless adventurers.

Print Ad

This print shoot was probably the most eventful part of the launch. We went to the mountains in northern Los Angeles and shot from dawn to dusk. We didn’t have reception out there so we had to travel all the way down the mountain to share the photos with the client.

Awards & Recognitions


Toyota Racing: Up To Speed